Power yoga posture series: child’s pose and downward facing dog

Power Up Your Practice with Baron Baptiste's Journey Into Power Sequence

Welcome to our Power Up class, inspired by Baron Baptiste’s transformative Journey Into Power. This power vinyasa sequence awakens your inner vitality, encourages playfulness with arm balances and inversions, and can be modified to suit any level of practice. As teachers, we provide guidance, but you always make the choices that work best for you.

Child’s Pose (Balasana)

Start your journey in Child’s Pose, a posture designed to quiet the mind and ground your body. With your forehead on the mat and eyes closed, feel the earth beneath you. Spread your knees apart to bring your forehead closer to the floor. Press your fingers wide on the mat, grounding through your knuckles. Breathe deeply into your back body, expanding with each inhale. If knee or ankle discomfort arises, try a reclined butterfly pose as an alternative.

Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Transition into Downward Facing Dog, creating an upside-down V shape with your body. Press your hands and feet firmly into the mat, lifting your tailbone high. To build a solid foundation, spread your fingers wide, point your index fingers forward, and slightly rotate your other fingers outward. Press down through your knuckles and grip with your fingertips to alleviate wrist pressure. Bend your elbows slightly, rotating your biceps forward.

For your legs, spread your toes and press down through the balls of your feet and heels, even if they don’t touch the floor. Bending your knees helps lift your tailbone and create space in your lower back. Internally rotate your legs, directing your inner ankles and thighs towards the back. Engage your core, drawing your low ribs in and pulling your belly button back towards your spine. Modify as needed: more knee bend for back support, drop to your forearms for wrist relief, or opt for tabletop position.

Why Practice Power Yoga in Minneapolis?

Power yoga, particularly the Journey Into Power sequence, offers numerous benefits. It enhances strength, flexibility, and mental clarity while promoting a sense of community and connection. Practicing hot yoga in Minneapolis, with its cold winters, provides a warm, invigorating escape. Our inclusive environment ensures that everyone, regardless of experience or ability, feels welcomed and empowered.

Join Us at Our Hot Yoga Studio

At our studio, we embody the principles of connection, community, integrity, empowerment, inclusion, and growth. Whether you're new to yoga or a seasoned practitioner, our classes are designed to help you gain strength and dive deeper into personal growth. Join us for a session and experience the transformative power of hot yoga in Minneapolis.


Intro to Our Posture Series