Intro to Our Posture Series

Up Yoga's Posture Series: Deepen Your Practice and Self-Awareness

Welcome to Up Yoga’s Posture Series!

At Up Yoga, we’re thrilled to embark on this journey with you towards deeper self-awareness and body appreciation. Our Posture Series features photographs and videos of the key poses in our Power Up classes, complete with tutorials on modifications and adaptations. Joining us in these visuals are our wonderful instructors and students: Kat, Ellie, and Alex!

Why Follow Our Posture Series?

Embrace Your Unique Experience

Inclusion is a core principle at Up Yoga. We celebrate all variations of postures, ensuring that every pose in our classes can be modified to suit your personal choice and your body’s needs. Whether you're a seasoned yogi or a beginner, our flexibility ensures your practice aligns with your individual comfort and capability.

Honor Your Body’s Needs

Listening to your body is more than just a practice; it’s a powerful affirmation of self-care. By tuning into your body and making necessary adjustments, you enhance your physical practice and cultivate a deeper connection with your inner self.

Focus on Feeling Over Appearance

Our studios are intentionally designed without mirrors. This encourages students to value how a pose feels rather than focusing on appearance. Yoga is a personal journey, and we aim to shift the focus from external looks to internal experiences, fostering a more fulfilling practice.

Empowerment Through Suggestion

Every direction given by our teachers is a suggestion, not a mandate. You are encouraged to make choices that feel best for your body, empowering you to control your practice and ensuring it is always safe, enjoyable, and beneficial for you.

Celebrating Every Body

At Up Yoga, we celebrate the diversity of our community. Yoga is for everyone, regardless of shape, size, or fitness level. The very act of practicing yoga means you have the ideal yoga body.

Join Us

We invite you to explore our Posture Series and discover the joy of practicing yoga with a focus on individuality, self-care, and personal choice. Embrace your unique journey, listen to your body, and know that at Up Yoga, you are always enough. Have questions about a posture? Ask us!

Thank you for being part of our community. We look forward to seeing you on the mat!


Power yoga posture series: child’s pose and downward facing dog


let us introduce ourselves